Go Wild on Wight

IWBOA: Upper Medina Valley

Upper Medina Valley

This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100019229 2008.

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Opportunity area description

River valley south of Newport as far as Chale Green.

Joint Character Area/Landscape descriptive unit

Isle of Wight Joint Character Area: Intensive arable land, sandstone hill and gravel ridges.

Landscape types

Rolling arable farmland, with scattered woodland in a wide valley.

Geology (bedrock)

Mudstone, sandstone, and ferruginous sands.

Geology (superficial)

Extensive alluvium and peat deposits.

Topography (landform)

Narrow stream heavily modified by river engineering crosses a wide sandstone vale. Irrigation storage reservoirs have been constructed in several places.

Biodiversity ( BAP habitat, Designated sites UK BAP Species)

SSSIs : The Wilderness, Cridmore Bay

SINCs: Billingham Manor Farm, Sibdown Farm Copse, Gatcombe Withybed, River Medina: Shide to Blackwater

BAP habitat

UK BAP Species

Water vole; Cornflower; Skylark; Yellowhammer; Linnet; Woodland Bats


Footpaths cross the area, but no access along the length of the river.

Targets – main opportunities

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