Go Wild on Wight

species review

Species Review 2008/09

Thanks to the input from many local recorders, we have now produced a revised LBAP species list comprising both national priority species and the ones which we consider are important for the Island.

135 species of national conservation concern (BAP Priority Species) are found on the Island. In addition 461 locally distinctive species have been identified by local experts and assessed in terms of how well they are faring. Some are increasing, others decreasing and for many we are still lacking in data to make a judgement.

Species Audit Update 2013

View the updated species audit here (PDF, July 2013)

Monitoring Progress

A range of local species has been selected below to show how they are faring and to highlight the issues which affect them.

Yellowhammer (c) John Adam

Yellowhammer (Amber)

Although nationally numbers have declined by 55% since 1967, on the Island, they are still fairly common and widespread farmland breeding bird.

Hedgehog (c) Catherine Chalkley

Hedgehog (Amber)

Hedgehogs have been declining nationally for reasons which are not entirely clear. On the Island, it is believed they have declined in the countryside but still survive in urban and suburban gardens.


Adder (Amber)

Nationally, adders have experienced great declines. Although there has been an undoubted decline locally, they are still surviving well in a number of scattered sites.


Guillemot (Amber)

Despite a national decline, the few surviving breeding populations along the south coast of England, including one at Freshwater cliffs, are at least holding their own and probably showing a modest increase. Changes in fish stocks resulting from climate change may be helping them.

Dog Whelk

Dog Whelk (Green)

Our dog whelk population has recently recovered following a national ban on tributyltin (TBT) a polluting chemical in paint used on ships and boats. Dogwhelks have returned to Yarmouth and Cowes Harbour where they are now flourishing.

Tree Lungwort

Tree Lungwort (Green)

This magnificent lichen, Lobaria pulmonaria, grows on old trees in ancient wood pastures and is very sensitive to air pollution. It is very rare in southern England due to lack of woodland management, but here it survives on a handful of trees.

Jersey Tiger (c) Peter Danby

Jersey Tiger (Green)

This attractive, day-flying moth is an increasing species, first arriving on the Island in 1993. Once restricted to south Devon, this is an example of a species that is benefiting from our warming climate.

Burnt Orchid (c) Keith Marston

Burnt Orchid (Red)

Nationally threatened and in decline, this orchid is now believed to be extinct on the Island. It was last seen in 1991 on a single chalk downland site where it had been in decline since 1973.


Sundew (Red)

This insect–eating plant requires waterlogged acid peaty conditions. It has been in decline on the Island since 1900 and is now confined to a single tiny site which has no legal protection.

Violet coral fungus

Violet coral fungus (Red)

This very rare fungus, Clavaria zollingeri, restricted to old unfertilised grassland, is known from just one Island site, at Northwood Cemetery.

Species Audit 2008 pie chart

Species Audit 2008

Pie chart demonstrates our current understanding of how Isle of Wight BAP species are faring

Complete Species List

View the complete list of LBAP species list here. (Revised July 2013)

Flagship Species

The complete list has proved to be quite lengthy so we have selected a representative list of around 50 flagship species that we will concentrate on promoting and finding out about how they are faring. The list covers the whole range of plant and animal groups of both national and local priorities and species that we are already or are likely to be recording on a regular basis.

We have suggested a draft list of flagship species list here .

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